I spoke about body syndromes during our Life Scripting group "Optimal Health and Body Shape" practice this Monday in Yerevan, Armenia (I should write a separate post on the last 2 months spent in the Motherland and what I learned from it).
So, let's unpack this concept here, too.
Suppressing an emotion rather than releasing it will manifest physiologically, leading to physical discomfort or even failed organs and tissues. Why? A suppressed emotion is like an energetic clot that prevents the energy in our body from moving freely, eventually depriving our physical body of getting "fuelled" or "energetically nurtured" (like a flower without the sun or water).
5 syndromes indicate what kind of emotions or issues require attention, depending on the area in our body that has discomfort:
1. Crying Syndrome
Area: from the solar plexus up to the neck and head
Issue: inability to make a decision that you are unhappy about
It possibly manifests in crystallized eyes, asthma, arthritis, sore throat, and anything concerning hearing, the eyes, or the sinus.
2. Responsibility Syndrome
Area: the shoulders, the upper back, and the upper spine
Issue: "carrying the world on your shoulders” -- when you have too many obligations or too much responsibility.
3. Sexual Frustration or Guilt Syndrome
Area: the stomach, the groin, hips, or lower back
Issue: sexual frustration or possibly guilt about something you don't want to deal with
It possibly manifests in lower back pain or problems in the lower GI tract.
4. Fight Syndrome
Area: the arms, hands, and fingers
Issue: suppressing the need to fight or constantly trying to achieve unrealistic goals
5. Flight Syndrome
Area: the lower extremities (thighs to the feet)
Issue: you are running away from a problem
Of course, you may have more than one syndrome at a time.
Does this resonate? Please let me know if you find this kind of content useful in the comments
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