Learn Life Scripting and become a certified Level 1 life scripter to apply the power of energy, breath, intuition, and words and improve your life and those around you.
Learn Life Scripting and become a certified Level 1 life scripter to apply the power of energy, breath, intuition, and words and improve your life and those around you.

The Life Scripting training will transform your life for good!

When I signed up for the Life Scripting training with its founder, Maria Leonard, I had already been a numerical psychologist, yoga and meditation teacher, Reiki practitioner, and hypnotherapist.

Since I was under the impression that Life Scripting was just a sophisticated way of guided meditation, I signed up to enhance my meditation teacher techniques without expecting anything groundbreaking. Little did I know:)

Even though Life Scripting may seem like a guided meditation or breathwork session on the surface, it is so much more than that - it’s a lifestyle, and here’s why!

There are a few key points that make Life Scripting special:

Firstly, it is based on 4 principles: the power of energy, the power of breath, the power of intuition, and the power of words. So, even if you are a complete newbie with no prior knowledge of energy work, you have never tried breathwork, are not sure how to write down affirmations, and think you don’t have intuitive abilities, you will easily go through this training. In the meantime, if you are already an experienced holistic therapist and energy worker, you will still be amazed by the vast knowledge and skills taught in the 2-day training. This means that in just 2 days of the level 1 Life Scripting training program, you will learn how to work with energy, breath, intuition, and words.

Secondly, Life Scripting healing takes place in the Akashic records - also known as The Book of Life. Akashic Records is the energetic field where all records and information of past, present, and possible future timelines, dimensions, and parallel realities are recorded and kept. So you will learn what it is and how to work in that dimension.

By learning Life Scripting, you will be able to easily

  1. cleanse your body and energy in the most natural and fastest way
  2. create and manifest the life that you desire
  3. activate you intuition
  4. converse with ascended masters and receive healing

And, of course, you can apply this knowledge to improve your life and your clients' lives.

If only more of us became life scripters, we would live in a different world.

So, if this resonates with you and you are ready for a change, join me to become a certified Life Scripter and make the world a better place!