My Love & Hate Relationship with Fitness
Anyone who’s known me since at least my teenage years can recall how I hated everything sports, fitness, and gym-related (I got nearly expelled from my ‘math’ class in the 7th grade for skipping too many gym classes and failing government-imposed tests). So, trust me when I say “it’s been a long journey”.

But here’s the thing (as cliché as it sounds) — you need 2 things: MOTIVATION and the RIGHT TOOLS to “tame the iron beast” and make this journey yours! The question is, what it’s going to be?

For me, turning 40 was a hell of a motivation—there is only so little I can do about wrinkles and grey hair. What’s in my power is to make my body my temple (and, as a bonus, not get "intimidated" by the girls in their 20s and early 30s ). The secondary motivation is liking my reflection in the mirror and feeling comfortable in my clothes.

As far as tools are concerned, I got lucky to be training with a good friend who makes me laugh, listens to my crazy or silly stories, pushes me beyond my limits, and provokes me to let all my internal anger out (so others can get deceived by my “calm” demeanor).

I have also turned walking into my ultimate “me time” when I can listen to my favourite tunes and podcasts, and visualize (yes, I still daydream; only in the adult world is it called “to manifest”).

Last but not least, I used hypnotherapy and energy practices to reprogram my mind and fall in love with this lifestyle.

So, if you are struggling right now with your fitness journey, find your “why”, your northern star — it will guide you through 💫🫂

Here are a few things to remember when embarking on a fitness and weight loss journey.


Permanent weight loss and a sustainable healthy lifestyle require changes on the inside - mentally, emotionally, energetically, and physically.

It is not only about addressing food and exercise but also addictions, emotions, stress, self-love and self-worth, boundaries, trauma, habits, beliefs, fears, and limitations that are deeply ingrained in the subconscious mind.

And that's where healing modalities such as hypnotherapy, Life Scripting, and regression therapy come to the rescue.

  1. Healthy eating patterns and calorie deficit
  2. Increased activity level
  3. Quality sleep: we burn fat, remove toxins, and clutter on physical, emotional, and energy levels in our sleep.
  4. Emotional healing: identifying real reasons for being overweight, hidden in your subconscious mind.
  5. Having fun!: your weight loss journey should not be torturous but, on the contrary, it is about creating a joyous lifestyle with your mind and body aligned and feeling excited about the changes you make

Feel free to get in touch if you need help with your journey!